It is the most highland urban monument (above 7 ha) in Central Asia, 2250 m above sea level, with outstanding preservation of the architecture of the 7th – 8th centuries.
Penjikent expedition
Khisorak settlement

The existence of this developed settlement in the mountains, where no cities exist today, shows the outstanding craft of Sogdian people and their effectiveness in withstanding severe environment. The architecture of the Khisorak settlement is preserved well, up to 5 meters high, the massive adobe brick walls are visible above the cliffs enhanced with boulders, many passages survived completely. A great number of organic finds have been discovered at Khisorak: textiles and fragments of garments, wooden utensils including carved panels of ceiling and Sogdian documents, grains, leather, furs, mummified dog, etc.

Being a grandiose town-planning and fortification project, Khisorak have a decorated palace on Citadel I. The settlement also bears testimony to Sogdian palatial architecture and decoration. It is also as an outstanding fortress of comb shape and an urban settlement in difficult to access mountain region with severe climate.

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